Accredited Registers Scheme for Healthcare Professions
Updated news
Hong Kong Institute of Speech Therapists re-accredited under the AR Scheme (August 11, 2023)
The Department of Health of HKSAR has endorsed the Hong Kong Institute of Speech Therapists (HKIST)’s re-accreditation status. Its full accreditation status has been renewed for four years since 11 August 2023. In addition to administer the register for the speech therapist profession, HKIST will continue to improve the professional competency and handle complaints against its members.. For more information, please visit the Government of HKSAR’s News.
We have been commissioned by the Department of Health (DH) to develop a novel Accredited Registers Scheme (AR Scheme) for Healthcare Profession which has been piloted in a scheme of regulation of regular accreditation assessments for five accredited allied health professional organisations.
The AR Scheme aims to:
- Protect the public through quality assurance and provision of more information to the public so as to facilitate them to make informed decision; and
- Enhance the current society-based registration under the principle of professional autonomy and ensure the professional competency of healthcare professionals through self-regulation.
Evaluation of this pilot AR Scheme has been completed and we identified key recommendations including resources required, publicity, incentives to motivate enrolment etc. to enhance and sustain the scheme. We are currently conducting re-accreditation assessment and follow-up reviews for the five healthcare professional organisations accredited under the AR Scheme.
Standards and Criteria
The Standards
To safeguard the public through ensuring the governance of professional organisations and professional competency of their members, the Accreditation Agent has defined a set of Standards to be met by professional organisations on (1) Governance, (2) Operational effectiveness, (3) Standards for registrants, (4) Educational and training requirements, and (5) Management of the register. The Accreditation Agent will review the standards with stakeholder consultation from time to time, and at least every three year, in accordance with relevant research and evidence as well as the development of the professions.
Governance – The organisation is responsibly governed to meet its defined purposes and objectives
The organisation is required to be a recognised independent legal entity in Hong Kong, which holds a register for practitioners in a healthcare profession, with clear vision and purpose/mission which are communicated to stakeholders. It should demonstrate a strong commitment to protecting the public and promoting public confidence in the profession it registers. The organisation is also required to have a risk management framework supported by a risk management plan with corresponding strategies and actions.
Operational effectiveness – The organisation is effectively managed to meet its strategic, operational and financial objectives.
The organisation should demonstrate the ability to manage the register effectively, have sufficient finance to enable it to effectively fulfil its register function, and have complaint management framework and procedures which are made known to stakeholders.
Standards for registrants – The organisation sets and publishes standards for its registrants.
The organisation sets, promotes and publishes standards of good practice, with due stakeholder consultation, in relation to professional behaviour based on an ethical framework, and technical competence based on a defined body of knowledge of the profession.
Educational and training requirements – The organisation sets standards for education and training to enable its registrants to competently practise in the profession.
The organisation requires its registrants to meet its educational standards which define a set of minimum clinical knowledge and skills for all registrants. The organisation is also required to ensure its registrants keep abreast of knowledge and developments in the profession.
Management of the Register – By effectively holding and maintaining a Register for its profession, the organisation promotes the health, safety and well-being of service users and the public in order to generate confidence in the Register.
The organisation is required to ensure that the register is accurate, current, easily accessible to the public, and supports all users in making informed decisions.
Contact Us
If you have any enquiries or comments, please contact us at:
Mr Ethan Ip
Tel: (852) 2252 8409 Fax: (852) 2145 7489
Address: RM415, School of Public Health, Prince of Wales Hospital, Shatin, NT, Hong Kong SAR
Dr Carrie Yam
Tel: (852) 2252 8406 Fax: (852) 2145 7489
Address: RM415 School of Public Health, Prince of Wales Hospital, Shatin, NT, Hong Kong SAR