Symposium: “A Fit-for-Purpose Health System: Enabling Health for All”

Symposium: “A Fit-for-Purpose Health System: Enabling Health for All”

Our Hong Kong Foundation, in collaboration with the Centre for Health Systems and Policy Research at the JC School of Public Health and Primary, CUHK co-organised a luncheon symposium on the topic of A Fit-for-Purpose Health System: Enabling Health for Allon 20 December 2021.

The guest of honour included Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Mrs Carrie LAM, and Secretary for Food and Health, Professor Sophia CHAN. Centre Director, Prof EK Yeoh was the keynote speaker to present findings of a study in investigating how HK’s health system can leverage strategic purchasing to achieve timely and affordable primary healthcare access for all. Mr Henry FAN (Chairman of Hong Kong Hospital Authority), Professor Donald LI (Immediate Past President of World Organization of Family Doctors), and Mr Tim PANG (Community Organizer of the Society for Community Organization) joined as panelists.

We explored the next steps forward for primary healthcare development and the application of strategic purchasing in tackling key health system gaps for Hong Kong to fully achieve health for all. You can visit this website for the record of the symposium.